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Monday, October 29, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Israel kills 3 militants after Qatari emir leaves Gaza
The Emir of Qatar has become the first head of state to visit Gaza since the Islamist group Hamas seized control five years ago. The visit reflects increasing ties between the Gulf state and the regime which is considered a terrorist group by the West. Lindsey Hilsum Channel Four Europe reports.
By Reuters
GAZA STRIP -- Israel killed three Hamas gunmen in Gaza Strip air strikes on Tuesday which the military said targeted squads preparing to launch rockets into the Jewish state.
The air force operations followed other Palestinian attacks, including a bomb blast that wounded an Israeli army officer patrolling the Gaza border, on a day that saw the isolated, Hamas-governed enclave receive its first foreign head of state, the emir of Qatar.
Israeli leaders had vowed retaliation for the morning bombing on Gaza's boundary fence, but Israeli television said military actions were put on hold until Qatar's Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani had left.
Palestinians mourn militants killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza
The rich Persian Gulf state has had low-level diplomatic ties with Israel and hosts a major U.S. naval base.
Hamas said three of its gunmen were killed and another three wounded in two air strike in northern Gaza. It did not comment on Israel's allegation that they had prepared rocket launches. Six other rockets were fired across the border on Tuesday, the Israeli military said, though causing no damage or casualties.
The border bombing was claimed by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, one of several small factions in Gaza that often operate independent of the dominant Hamas.
Armageddon scenario: US, Israel ready for huge joint drill in Iran's shadow
Israel's policy is to hold Hamas responsible for any attacks from the territory, which the Islamist group has controlled since 2007.
Though hostile to Israel, Hamas has mostly sought to avoid direct clashes as it shores up its rule in the face of more radical challengers and reaches out to potential allies abroad.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Study: Cancer patients overestimate value of chemo
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/study-cancer-patients-overestimate-value-chemo-211451867.html
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New genomics study shows ancestry could help solve disease riddles
ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? Explosive advancement in human genome sequencing opens new possibilities for identifying the genetic roots of certain diseases and finding cures. However, so many variations among individual genomes exist that identifying mutations responsible for a specific disease has in many cases proven an insurmountable challenge. But now a new study by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), Scripps Health, and Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) reveals that by comparing the genomes of diseased patients with the genomes of people with sufficiently similar ancestries could dramatically simplify searches for harmful mutations, opening new treatment possibilities.
The work, reported recently in the journal Frontiers in Genetics: Applied Genetic Epidemiology, should speed the search for the causes of many diseases and provide critical guidance to the genomics field for maximizing the potential benefits of growing genome databases.
Much work is already under way to sequence the DNA of people suffering from diseases with unknown causes, called idiopathic conditions, to find the roots of their problems. Unlike more complex conditions such as diabetes, in some cases a limited number of genetic defects, or even a single mutation, can cause an idiopathic disease. Identifying those critical mutations can lead to effective treatments for previously mysterious problems.
Complicated Searches
While there have been some successes, in many other instances the genetic basis of an idiopathic disease remains elusive. Among other groups, The National Human Genome Research Institute runs searches for idiopathic disease sufferers and is able to find offending gene sequences only about 30 percent of the time. "One explanation for that other 70 percent might be that the diseases are enormously complex," said the new study's senior author Nicholas Schork, a professor at TSRI, director of research for Scripps Health's genomic medicine program, and director of biostatistics and bioinformatics at STSI, "but it could be that they're still searching in the noise."
The new work offers a likely filter for much of that noise. The results show that comparing a person's DNA sequence against existing genomes for those whose ancestry is not sufficiently similar, as is typically the case, can cause serious problems. Countless differences that seem unique to a patient might instead be DNA variants carried by everyone with the same ancestry. A researcher might, for instance, identify hundreds of variants and not be able to zero in on the one responsible for a disease.
But the new results show that comparing closer ancestry matches will dramatically reduce the number of variants identified as potentially responsible for a disease, reducing a search to a workable number.
For the work, the team developed a tool called the Scripps Genome Adviser. This processing framework uses a supercomputer to incorporate a variety of databases and algorithms to identify DNA variants in a particular genome relative to reference genomes. It then uses algorithms to analyze these variants and predict whether they have any physiological effects, and if so what those might be.
The team began with nearly 60 whole human genome databases and ran three key types of computing experiments. First the researchers identified the number of variants in the reference human genomes and found that on average each has millions of variants, about 12,000 of which have functional effects. Then the scientists looked at the rates at which variants appeared in various ancestry lines.
Honoring Ancestry
Importantly, the scientists didn't stop there. They deliberately inserted a mutation known to cause disease into a genome, then ran this genome through the Adviser to see how effectively it could identify that known variant as unique.
When the team ran the searches comparing that altered genome against a reference panel of genomes that included different ancestries, the known variant remained effectively lost in a sea of other variants. But comparison against genomes of similar ancestry dramatically reduced the number of variants identified, allowing identification of the inserted disease-causing gene.
A study published simultaneously with the Scripps team's paper by Professor Carlos Bustamante and colleagues from Stanford University also pointed to ancestry's importance, but this is the first time a team has been able to look at the problem on the whole-genome scale. "Others have indeed recognized ancestry as important," said Schork, "but no one had shown how much it could haunt a particular study, especially on a whole genome basis."
As importantly, prior to this study it wasn't clear how to address the ancestry issue. But the new study provides clear direction. The team calculated that identification of the vast majority of ancestral variants can be performed successfully with a reference panel of less than 20 genomes -- though it could well take more to identify a particular ancestry group's rarest deviations. Of course, most people have more than one ancestry line, meaning that in practice a patient's reference panel would need to include multiple reference groups.
This result should act as a guide for continuing genomics work. Many ancestries are already well represented, meaning that assembling an effective reference panel is possible in some cases. But the number of whole genomes from a particular ancestral group isn't the only consideration. Ideally, reference genomes need to be from relatively disease-free people, meaning subjects who lived to an old age without major complications from genetic conditions.
Recognizing the importance of ancestral comparisons, researchers and companies can now deliberately work to fill any holes. "Building those sorts of resources could only benefit the community," said Schork. In fact, Schork, Ali Torkamani and others at Scripps are collaborating with Complete Genomics, Inc., a whole genome sequencing company in Mountain View, CA, to develop appropriate reference panels for clinicians and researchers.
Deciphering Diseases
Schork and his colleagues are already working toward broader application of their results using an increasingly advanced version of the tool. While processing a single person's genome to identify and analyze variants took about four days when the project began, today the Adviser can accomplish the task in about 30 minutes.
Along with the paper's lead author Torkamani, Schork is a founder of a company called Cypher Genomics that has licensed the Scripps Genome Adviser for disease-focused research. The teams in both industry and academia hope not only to continue idiopathic disease research, but also to apply similar principles to search for the causes of more complex congenital conditions. "The broader message of our work is that you have to take ancestry into account no matter what disease you're studying," said Schork.
This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant numbers 5 UL1 RR025774, 5 U01 DA024417, 5 R01 HL089655, 5 R01 DA030976, 5 R01 AG035020, 1 R01 MH093500, 2 U19 AI063603, 2 U19 AG023122, 5 P01 AG027734, 1 U01 HG006476-01), the Stand Up to Cancer Foundation, the Price Foundation and Scripps Genomic Medicine.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Scripps Research Institute.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
- Ali Torkamani, Phillip Pham, Ondrej Libiger, Vikas Bansal, Guangfa Zhang, Ashley A. Scott-Van Zeeland, Ryan Tewhey, Eric J. Topol and Nicholas Schork. Clinical Implications of Human Population Differences in Genome-wide Rates of Functional Genotypes. Front. Gene., 2012 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2012.00211
Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/Xeg5uqPNIPQ/121025152748.htm
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Hundreds turn out for hospital merger deliberations in Brunswick ...
BRUNSWICK, Maine ? Having two choices about where to receive health care squared off at an all-day hearing Wednesday against the notion that two hospitals is one more than the Brunswick area can support.
Hundreds of people turned out to tell the Department of Health and Human Services? Office of Licensing and Regulatory Services why they support or oppose a merger between Parkview Adventist Medical Center in Brunswick and Central Maine Healthcare in Lewiston. Many of those opposed to that plan said they favor instead a merger between Parkview and nearby Mid Coast Hospital, which is seeking to block CMHC?s certificate of need application so it can try to take over Parkview and create a single hospital in Brunswick.
The certificate of need application is the mechanism the state uses to consider major changes or investments in the state?s health care system.
The hearing Wednesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Brunswick attracted a capacity crowd, many of whom wore stickers or held signs in support of either Parkview or Mid Coast Hospital. For the most part, members of the public echoed talking points voiced by officials from the hospitals.
Chuck Gill, vice president of public affairs for CMHC, said he hoped the event would bring clarity to what he said is a confusing and complex issue.
?We?re going to talk a lot today about why hospitals are joining larger systems throughout the country,? said Gill. ?Anyone involved in health care understands that this system is getting more and more and more complex. Standalone hospitals are really becoming outliers.?
Mike Ortel, chairman of the Parkview board, said the hospital has wanted to join with CMHC for more than a decade and has rejected repeated queries about joining with Mid Coast.
?Control of Parkview has never been out to bid,? said Ortel. ?We have told Mid Coast ?no? multiple times over the past 30 years because of who we are and what we stand for. Our future looks good and we have no desire to go away.?
Shirley Savage of Bath said she fears the loss of Parkview?s faith-based mission, though Parkview would lose its affiliation with the Adventist Church in a merger with either CMHC or Mid Coast.
?I choose to go to a hospital that treats my mind, my body and most of all my spirit,? she said. ?Without my spirit, it doesn?t matter what equipment you have or what treatment I get. I will not heal because my spiritual needs aren?t met.?
Others said a merger between Parkview and Mid Coast is what?s best for the community because it would save health care costs in the area ? which Mid Coast estimates would be about $24 million a year, a figure that Parkview and CMHC contest ? by eliminating redundancies in staffing and equipment. One speaker referred to CMHC?s proposal as a ?perpetuation of a $24 million-a-year forced tax.?
Ralph Perry, who said he has been involved in fundraising for both hospitals, said he opposes CMHC?s application.
?Mid Coast is truly a community hospital for this area,? said Perry. ?In 2012, this community faces changes that will definitely affect the future of health care for all of us. It is imperative that we work together.?
Several businesses also weighed in, including nearby Bath Iron Works, one of the state?s largest employers. Chris McCarthy, BIW?s director of integrated health services, said health care costs create a competitive disadvantage. He said Parkview merging with Mid Coast Hospital would save money for community members and BIW by reducing the number of hospital beds in the area.
?The bottom line is that those beds have to be paid for,? said McCarthy. ?It?s not the providers who pay for that and not the insurance companies who pay for that. We?re paying for it.?
McCarthy said Maine?s health care costs are much higher than in most other states, most notably Mississippi, the home of BIW?s primary competitor, Ingalls Shipbuilding.
?We spend about $100 million a year in health care,? he said. ?Most of that is spent in the Brunswick Health Service area. This is big dollars for us as we compete against somebody who spends an awful lot less. We at BIW would like the providers in the community to put aside their differences and get together to figure out how to come up with a solution that is going to solve our problem.?
The certificate of need approval process, which will culminate in a decision by DHHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew, is expected to take several more weeks. Written comments will be accepted until 5 p.m Nov. 26 and can be mailed to DHHS, Division of Licensing and Regulatory Services Health Care Oversight Unit, Station House 11, 41 Anthony Avenue, Augusta 04333-0011.
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Walmart legal troubles mount as Black Friday walkout looms | The ...
By The Christian Science Monitor
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 3:48 EDT
Walmart legal troubles mount as Black Friday walkout looms
Walmart workers aren?t happy, and they?re letting their employer know it. In the midst of worker strikes in several cities and the looming threat of a mass employee walkout on Black Friday (one of the busiest shopping days of the year), the world?s largest retailer has been hit with a class action?
Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/10/24/walmart-legal-troubles-mount-as-black-friday-walkout-looms/
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ASUS VivoTab RT pops up early at Office Depot, teases our Windows RT future
Want an early glimpse of the VivoTab RT without having to attend ASUS' special event? Thanks to our tipster, you've got it. An Office Depot has received at least one example of the Windows RT slate a full three days in advance. The short impressions: it's an "awesome" Tegra 3-packing tablet, although the OS reportedly chews up more than half of the 32GB of storage, and USB depends on an adapter if you're not relying on the keyboard. While price wasn't immediately available, we're not expecting retail to deviate greatly from the $599 pre-order formula.
ASUS VivoTab RT pops up early at Office Depot, teases our Windows RT future originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 11:36:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink | | Email this | CommentsSource: http://www.engadget.com/2012/10/23/asus-vivotab-rt-pops-up-early-at-office-depot/
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The Inescapable (and Mostly Pretty Awful) Pumpkin Spice Trend ...
Perhaps due to the popularity of Starbucks' seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte, we are inundated with pumpkin spice products this fall. From pumpkin spice Oreos to pumpkin spice beer and everything in between (air freshener!), we cannot escape this seasonal taste sensation. What do you think? Are you scarfing it all up while you can or is it getting a little old?
And what about the quality? Are all those pumpkin spice versions of your favorite packaged foods worth it?
The other day while I was at the market, I saw pumpkin spice versions of trail mix and bars, Hershey's kisses, various forms of tea and chai, ice cream, coffee creamer, instant coffee, instant and prepackaged pudding, candles and room fresheners, beer, cake mix, marshmallows, pancake mix, Oreos, Eggos. I could go on. And on.
It's true that we're not totally free of the pumpkin spice craze here in the Kitchn. Our hack of Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte has been consistently one of our most popular posts since it went up in 2009. And a quick search of our archives reveals that we've also dabbled in some pumpkin spice-ifying here and there. So we get the appeal of this spice blend, which is simply a mix of cinnamon, ginger nutmeg and allspice (with an occasional a dash of clove.)
However, we do recommend that if you do want more pumpkin spice in your life, that you make a homemade version so that you can control the quality and quantity of the spice mix. Just take a few minutes to watch Chow's Supertaster (above) for a cautionary tale on what can happen when you start imbibing commercially produced pumpkin spice products.
In the end, I suspect that pumpkin spice will become for the Fall what peppermint is for the holidays. Like peppermint, there will be a few excellent examples of adding this flavor (Trader Joe's Candy Cane Joe-Joe's!) and an avalanche of poor-to-awful versions. Buyer beware!
Are there any pumpkin spice products that you can recommend?
Related: 7 Ways to Use Pumpkin Pie Spice
(Image: McCormick)
Source: http://www.thekitchn.com/the-inescapable-mostly-pretty-awful-pumpkin-spice-trend-179220
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
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Source: http://cannabismrsacure.letstalkaboutpot.com/how-to-acquire-auto-from-auction-on-linewith-me/
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White Tiger Qigong Healing 10/22 by BodyMindSpirit Radio | Blog ...

On his show, Comedian Rodney Perry covers arts and entertainment, everything from comedy and politics to music and acting, with his signature comedic slant.

MashUp Radio is a 30-minute podcast that discusses the fusion of technology, life, culture and science. Host Peter Biddle, engineer and executive for Intel?s Atom Software, dishes up a thought-provoking discussion.

Deepak Chopra Radio provides an online forum for compelling and thought provoking conversations on success, love, sexuality and relationships, well-being and spirituality.

The Bottom Line Sports Show is hosted by former NBA stars Penny Hardaway, Charles Oakley, Mateen Cleaves. Tune in to get the inside scoop on what's happening in sports today.

Joy Keys provides her listeners with insight to improve their lives mentally, physically, monetarily and emotionally. Past guests on the show have included Meshell Nedegeocello, Blair Underwood, in addition to an impressive list of CEOs, humanitarians and authors.

Hits Radio covers basketball, sports culture and entertainment with past guests including Jason Kidd, Robin Lundberg and Chris Herren.

Listeners get an earful on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, Talk Radio for Fine Minds. Whether it?s the current political cocktail or the latest must-read award-winning book, Halli tackles all topics and likes to stir ? and sometimes shakes ? things up.

Award-winning World Footprints is a leading voice in socially responsible travel and lifestyle. Hosts Ian & Tonya celebrate culture and heritage and bring a unique voice to the world of travel.

Football Reporters Online is a group of veteran football experts in the fields of coaching, scouting, talent evaluation, and writing/broadcasting/media placement. Combined, the group brings well over 100 years of expertise in sports.

Host John Martin interviews the nation's leading entrepreneurs and small biz experts to educate small business owners on how to be successful. Past guests have included Emeril Lagasse and Guy Kawasaki.

The Movie Geeks share their passion for the art through interviews with the stars of and creative minds behind your favorite flicks and pay tribute to big-screen legends. From James Cameron and Francis Ford Coppola to Ellen Burstyn and Robert Duvall, The Geeks have got'em all.

Sylvia Global presents global conversations pertaining to women, wealth, business, faith and philanthropy. Sylvia has interviewed an eclectic mix from CEOs and musicians to fashion designers and philanthropists including Randolph Duke and Ne-Yo.

Seasoned entertainment reporter Robin Milling gets up close and personal with the world's most compelling celebs. From Michael Douglas to Katie Holmes to Kevin Kline to Ashley Judd to America Ferrera, she sits down in person each week with each and every A-lister.

Mr. Media host Bob Andelman goes one-on-one with the hottest, most influential minds from the worlds of film, TV, music, comedy, journalism and literature. That means A-listers like Kirk Douglas, Christian Slater, Kathy Ireland, Rick Fox, Chris Hansen and Jackie Collins.

Paula Begoun, best-selling author of Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, separates fact from fiction on achieving a radiant, youthful complexion at any age. She?s regularly joined by health and beauty experts who offer the latest on keeping your skin in tip-top shape.
Source: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bodymindspiritradio/2012/10/22/white-tiger-qigong-healing
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Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Unbelievable! The ACCC Advises Owners of Asbestos Tainted Cars ...
In an unbelievable turn of events, the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) recently advised consumers who purchased cars containing engine and exhaust gaskets tainted with asbestos to remove and replace the parts themselves. The cars, manufactured by Great Wall Motor Company and Chery Automobile Company, were made in China and imported to Australia as early as 2009, meaning that do it yourself vehicle owners and repair shops may have been unknowingly exposed to potentially deadly asbestos for the past three years.
Government Agencies Asleep on the Job?
The problem was initially discovered not through inspection of the tainted vehicles, but through an Australian Customs inspection of spare parts shipped for the vehicles. Rather than call on the companies responsible for the asbestos use and import, the ACCC recommended that consumers replace the effected gaskets themselves. Paul Bastian, National Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union was one of the first to come out against the ACCC?s advice, not only because it contravened Australian law, but because as Director of the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute he is very familiar with the health risks posed to both home and professional mechanics exposed to asbestos, such as cancer, mesothelioma, and occupational lung disease.
Manufacturers Agree to Fix Asbestos Problem
There is, however, a positive ending for consumers.? According to the Wall Street Journal, after urging by Bastian and others the manufacturers of the cars ultimately agreed to recall the 23,000 vehicles shipped with the asbestos containing parts.? Additionally, further steps will be taken to limit the risks to consumers in Australia and elsewhere:
- the manufacturers have agreed to replace the potentially dangerous parts at consumers? request.
- the manufacturers are promising to no longer use asbestos in gaskets, even for vehicles destined for delivery in China, where the practice is still legal.
- AMWU, in conjunction with a council of trade unions, is now pushing for the nationwide removal of all asbestos, regardless of where it is found.
Australia was one of the first nations to recognize that asbestos causes cancer, and the devastating disease called mesothelioma. Why its leading government watchdog was willing to overlook that fact is open to question, but this proves that there is still a place even in countries that recognize the risks posed by asbestos use for non-government watchdogs and activist groups working to ban asbestos outright worldwide.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012 at 2:23 pm and is filed under Asbestos Exposure, Mesothelioma. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Referee sends off 36 brawling football players in junior match
ASUNCION (Reuters) - Thirty-six players, including both teams and substitutes, were sent off during a Paraguayan junior league football match that ended in mayhem.
In the last five minutes of the game on Sunday, referee Nestor Guillen handed out two red cards, one to a player from each team, but the pair ignored him and continued their fight on the field.
In a matter of seconds the clash spun out of control, involving players from both teams and all the replacements.
"Many of the players that were on the field and on the substitutes' bench, everyone went on to the field to try to control their team mates and even the players from the other team," said Hernan Martinez, president of the home club, Teniente Farina.
Rather than trying to end the brawl, the match officials ran off the field in fear.
For this reason, Martinez believes they had no other recourse but to dismiss all 36 players since they did not stay to identify culprits.
"The referees didn't even stay on the field. As soon as the fighting broke out they went to the dressing room," he said.
"They ran through the tunnel to their dressing room. They weren't able to see anything that happened. But, in the report, to more or less wash their hands of the responsibility, they expelled all 36 players," said Martinez.
Visiting Libertad club president Sixto Nunez said he thought the referees had shirked their duties in fleeing the scene.
"The referee needed to take better care of the boys. He should have made sure that the two dismissed players were completely off the field," Nunez said.
"Instead, the officials left the field and when the players were all leaving together that's when the fighting started again.
The players, who were all automatically suspended, await sanctions from the league's disciplinary committee.
(Writing by Cayley Taylor in Buenos Aires; editing by Rex Gowar and John Mehaffey)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/referee-sends-off-36-brawling-football-players-junior-131140073--sow.html
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At $329, Can Apple's iPad Mini Compete With Google & Amazon?
In boardrooms across the world, computer- and mobile-industry executives were chewing their fingernails watching Apple?s announcement of its two new iPads Tuesday. How would Apple's new product reshape the market?
The greatest- perhaps only - weapon that companies like Google, Amazon, Samsung and other tablet manufacturers have been able to wield against Apple?s runaway hit has been price. If Apple could create a dynamic device and match them at the cash register too, Cupertino would bury the competition. But Apple did not do that with the iPad Mini, starting at $329. The collective exhale from Apple?s competitors can be heard around the world.
Let?s take stock of what Apple just announced: two iPads, one the fourth-generation 9.7-inch model that will immediately replace the third-generation that was released in March. The other the iPad Mini at 7.9 inches that in most aspects is a slightly shrunken iPad 2, with slightly better peripheral components, such as a better front facing camera.?
First, nothing we saw today was revolutionary. With all the rumors leading up to the announcement, nobody expected it to be. It is surprising that Apple announced a fourth-generation iPad so soon after the last release, but it makes perfect sense for Apple to issue a refresh right before the holiday season (I actually always thought that the Q1 release schedule for the iPad series was a bit odd). The iPad Mini was mostly what pundits expected: smaller but well designed, still bigger than the 7-inch varieties from the competition.
Price Is The Sticking Point
From a market standpoint, Apple barely acknowledged that Google and Amazon exist. The $329+ price point of the iPad mini is targeted more towards the price points of full-size Samsung Android tablets and Microsoft?s Windows RT devices.
But Apple has made a mistake if it thinks it can marginalize devices like the Kindle Fire HD and Nexus 7, both which start at $199, as bottom feeders. These are quality devices that provide performance roughly on par with the mini. Cost-conscious consumers will gravitate towards them.
On the other hand, Apple has just significantly diversified its tablet portfolio. Even though Apple is replacing the third-generation iPad, the iPad 2 still exists at $399 (16GB storage, Wi-Fi only) and the mini plus the fourth-generation iPad give Apple a spectrum of price points from $329 to $829, depending on size, storage and cellular connectivity. While we can quibble about the starting price of the iPad mini compared with the competition, the fact that Apple has given consumers options across the market will be a powerful tool in its arsenal.?
Is It Worth ~70% More?
But comparing the mini against the competition, the pertinent question is whether the extra $130 or so for the Mini is worth it instead of a Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD. Here, the answer is not so clear. There is nothing about the iPad Mini that tells me it outshines the Nexus 7 in such as way that I absolutely must have it. True, Apple does have 275,000 iPad-specific apps (which should transfer well to the smaller screen size), but comparing bezel sizes has never been a real selling point to me.?
?Others have tried to make tablets smaller than the iPad, but they have failed miserably. These are not great experiences. But why?" said Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing. "First, let's look at the bezels around the display. Ours, the iPad mini, is made of aluminum and we've worked hard to make it thin so it is comfortable to hold in one hand. Theirs is made of plastic and is thicker. In fact, the whole Android product is thicker and heavier than the iPad mini even though it has a smaller display."
If we are talking about the Nexus 7, there is not a single person that I have talked to that uses the device that does not think it extremely comfortable. The Kindle Fire HD is a bit more cumbersome. Both are heavier than the mini?s .68 pounds (the Nexus 7 is .74 pounds, the Fire HD is .87 pounds). The 7.9-inch screen size of the Mini gives it more surface area than the Nexus 7 and Fire HD as well. Yet, note the irony: Apple is releasing a device it is calling the mini but at the same time noting how much bigger it is than the competition.?
Consumers have to ask themselves if it is worth it to pony up the extra cash for the Mini for what amounts to a few ounces of weight, some extra screen surface area, and iOS apps. That is not to say the iPad Mini is not worth what Apple is charging, but the competition has set the pricing bar very aggressively, and Apple may not have done enough to clear it.
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Home Improvements That Make Cents | Susan Stivaletta Your #1 ...
What will boost your home?s value? You want to add a sunroom but will that bring in the biggest bang for your buck? How about a new bathroom? It?s a common question that many homeowners ask. What will we get back when we sell? This can be a hard question to answer but luckily Bankrate.com and Remodeling Magazine has come up with a list of the worst home fixes for the money.
Here are the six improvements that ranked dead last nationally when it comes to getting those renovation dollars back at resale.
1. A Home Office-The standard home office renovation is this year?s biggest loser in the resale value sweepstakes. Nationally, homeowners spent an average of $28,888 and can expect to recoup about 45.8 percent at resale, according to the report. If you want to enjoy a home office opt for something that is easily converted back into a bedroom or den.
2. Backup Generators-This only usually brings about negative thoughts like does this home loose power often? On average, when homeowners have a heavy-duty backup power generator installed, they spend about $14,718, according to the report. The average amount of the price recovered at resale time: 48.5 percent.
3. A Sunroom-While the thought is sitting and enjoying a sunroom may sound lovely to you but the addition of a sunroom is often more than you can recoup. The national average for a sunroom addition is $75,224, according to the report. Homeowners can expect to recoup about 48.6 percent when they sell.
4. A Master Suite-It is the price tag of this addition that can also leave sellers in the red. For a super-deluxe master suite addition ? which adds square footage and uses only top-dollar materials ? the average cost is about $232,062, according to the report. Sellers can expect to recover about 52.7 percent at resale.
5. An Extra Bathroom-Wait kitchens and bathrooms sells houses or that?s what people say. Bathroom additions are very expensive. For a moderately outfitted addition with synthetic stone or plastic laminate surfaces, plan on the cost about $21,695, according to the Remodeling report. Go upscale, with finishes like premium marble or fine tile, and you can easily spend in the neighborhood of $40,710. You can plan on a return of about 53 cents on the dollar.
Look for less-expensive way to get the same results. Try reconfiguring your existing space to add a bathroom for less.
6. A Dream Garage-The price tag for a top-of-the-line detached two-car with all the trimmings is about $90,053, according to the report. This is a garage that is completely top-of-the-line. You can expect to recover about 53.6 percent of that when you sell. Instead go for function over form and stick the basic garage if you plan on a garage project.
Source: http://www.susanstivaletta.com/blog/home-improvements-that-make-cents
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Immune cells of the blood might replace dysfunctional brain cells
ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Blood-circulating immune cells can take over the essential immune surveillance of the brain, this is shown by scientists of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in T?bingen. Their study, now published in PNAS, might indicate new ways of dealing with diseases of the nervous system.
The immune system is composed of multiple cell types each capable of specialized functions to protect the body from invading pathogens and promote tissue repair after injury. One cell type, known as monocytes, circulates throughout the organism in the blood and enters tissues to actively phagocytose (eat) foreign cells and assist in tissue healing. While monocytes can freely enter most bodily tissues, the healthy, normal brain is different as it is sequestered from circulating blood by a tight network of cells known as the blood brain barrier. Thus, the brain must maintain a highly specialized, resident immune cell, known as microglia, to remove harmful invaders and respond to tissue damage.
In certain situations, such as during disease, monocytes can enter the brain and also contribute to tissue repair or disease progression. However, the potential for monocytes to actively replace old or injured microglia is under considerable debate. To address this, Nicholas Varvel, Stefan Grathwohl and colleagues from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) T?bingen and the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research in T?bingen used a transgenic mouse model in which almost all brain microglia cells (>95%) can be removed within two weeks. This was done by introducing a so-called suicide gene into microglia cells and administering a pharmaceutical agent that leads to acute death of the cells. Surprisingly, after the ablation of the microglia, the brain was rapidly repopulated by blood-circulating monocytes. The monocytes appeared similar, but not identical to resident microglia. The newly populated monocytes, evenly dispersed throughout the brain, responded to acute neuronal injury and other stimuli -- all activities normally assumed by microglia. Most interestingly, the monocytes were still present in the brain six months -- nearly a quarter of the life of a laboratory mouse -- after initial colonization.
These studies now published in PNAS provide evidence that blood-circulating monocytes can replace brain resident microglia and take over the essential immune surveillance of the brain. Furthermore, the findings highlight a strong homeostatic mechanism to maintain a resident immune cell within the brain. The observation that the monocytes took up long-term residence in the brain raises the possibility that these cells can be utilized to deliver therapeutic agents into the diseased brain or replace microglia when they become dysfunctional. Can monocytes be exploited to combat the consequences of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases? The scientists and their colleagues in the research groups headed by Mathias Jucker are now following exactly this research avenue.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
Journal Reference:
- N. H. Varvel, S. A. Grathwohl, F. Baumann, C. Liebig, A. Bosch, B. Brawek, D. R. Thal, I. F. Charo, F. L. Heppner, A. Aguzzi, O. Garaschuk, R. M. Ransohoff, M. Jucker. Microglial repopulation model reveals a robust homeostatic process for replacing CNS myeloid cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1210150109
Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/VYhfHD-Wa2A/121022113428.htm
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5 Reasons Baby Boomers Need to Pay Attention to Estate Plans ...
The first day(and night) of rain. It was so wonderful to wake up to a drizzly, cool morning. We spent all weekend laying sod and landscaping our pool area. This one barren spot repeatedly grows weeds which we?ve dutifully eradicated every year for 7 years now. Don?t ask me why we waited so long. Dave tells me it?s because now our boys are old enough to help. And that they did. Both Cameron & Daniel worked really hard. We could not have done it without them.
I?m a boomer. Are you? I?m actually the last year of the baby boomers. Below is a hit list of situations that likely apply
to you or soon will. It?s great be in a position to making monetary gifts. This is a smart strategy to reduce your estate AND as an added bonus, you get to witness firsthand how your generosity helps others. If you have a plan, you should review it regularly to make sure it?s up to date and if you don?t, we?ve outlined just a few of the reasons why you should.
Have a great week!
by Christine Faulkner, Esq.
Baby Boomers ? the biggest generation now on the verge of being the biggest group of inheritance recipients ? must answer the call to make prudent decisions on a staggering amount of inherited wealth.? Boomers who have not yet made an estate plan will have an added impetus for doing so.? And Boomers who have an estate plan that may be several years old need to review that plan to ensure it aligns with changes in their lives.
Here are five reasons why Boomers need to make and review estate plans now:
Changing relationships.? Your beneficiary list needs to be reviewed in light of your current status and any changes in family structure or relationships.
Adult children.? The minor children you may have provided for in an earlier estate plan have now grown and flown the nest ? do they still need the protections you had in place for them?? Have they matured into financially responsible adults, or do you need to add new protections in a trust for them?
Your health.? As you age, you learn a lot more about your own health.? Do you have a health care directive in place to protect yourself in case of incapacity?? Are you going to live longer than you thought you would when you drafted your first estate plan?
Your property.? Any sales, loss or acquisition of property needs to be properly accounted for in your estate plan.? As we age, we tend to accumulate more.? What plans do you have for it?
Your legacy.? It may now be financially feasible ? and wise ? to give while you are still living.
Source: http://cavafaulkner.com/elk-grove-estate-planning-blog/?p=69
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Monday, October 22, 2012
Video: Lance Armstrong stripped of Tour de France titles
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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49510336/
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Twin Cities Families Upgrading Home Security Systems ? CBS ...
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) ? More families in the Twin Cities are upgrading their home security. Home security companies have picked up a lot of business in recent of years because high tech packages are now more affordable.
Many of these systems can be controlled from a phone with internet access.? Lindsey Peterson-Smiley recently upgraded her family?s system. She and her husband have an 8 and a 14-year-old.
?We?ve got to get the kids out the door to school I?ve got to get to work, then there?s after school activities,? says Peterson-Smiley.
Lindsey?s life as a busy mom recently became easier because of the upgrade. From her phone she can now control the security system at her home and keep track of her kids.
?I can see that they?re in the house and they?re okay,? says Peterson-Smiley. ?I like the ability to arm it when I?m already out of the house because half the time I?m running around,? she adds.
The system at the family?s Brooklyn Center home was installed by Vivint. In the last four years, business has picked up. The company now has about 4,000 customers in the Twin Cities.?According to Vivint, nearly 1,000 systems were installed in the past year.
?Oh yes, we are very busy,? says Vivint Technician Jimmy Bahnson.
Customers like Lindsey can lock and unlock doors.?Sensors around the home tell when doors have been opened and if windows break.?Lindsey can also control the thermostat from anywhere with internet access. She feels safer and also feels better knowing what her kids are up to, when she and her husband are gone.
?I can go into the history and see when my son got home, when he let the dog out,? she said.
A camera in the living room also allows Lindsey to see what her kids are doing and what they?re watching on television while she?s at work.
?It?s awesome to know just that they?re home and they?re safe,? she said.
Lindsey got the camera, touch screen control pad, door and window sensors, as well as a new door lock she can control from her phone installed for $199.?The monthly fee for this service is $68.99.? Lindsey says this service is about $20 more each month, but the cost is offset by an lower energy bill since she can now control the thermostat from her phone.
Source: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2012/10/22/twin-cities-families-upgrading-home-security-systems/
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Family Time Should Not Include Video Games ? Londonderry News
I am pro toy. I love creative board games, building blocks, puppets, books, puzzles, science projects, sports equipment and crafts. I seek toys, products and games that engage, challenge, educate, encourage movement and that are fun. I especially love toys that encourage family time.
Unlike the average lay person who strolls the toy aisles with casual interest, I painstakingly study each shelf, taking detailed notes about the designs, age appropriateness, quality of packaging, attention to detail, and overall toy concept. ?What kind of a hit is this toy maker going to take when smart and thoughtful moms and dads say, ?No Way!? to this doll that looks like a prostitute??
Of all the choices, I find video games to be the most rotten and scary. Children are begging us to give them our time and attention, and we are handing them insipid tech toys that isolate them from us, their siblings and their peers. As if it weren?t bad enough to immobilize a child in front of the television or computer at home for hour after hour, manufacturers have scaled the units down so that kids can play video games in the car, instead of speaking with us; play video games on the playground, instead of hanging on the monkey bars; and even play video games at the dinner table, instead of eating with the family.
Video games, computer games, DVD players and iPods discourage face to face interaction, requiring the user to stare sedately at a screen, or tune people out with earphones. These devices also discourage creativity, imagination and activity. We have all heard the frightening reports of increasing childhood obesity, high cholesterol and diabetes; however we continue to offer toy choices that limit mobility.
After watching kids playing merrily on the playground or grinning from ear to ear as they run all day on a beach, how could any parent opt to instead sit their children in front of a television for hours of passive, inactive, button pushing? If I was a kid and I knew everything that I know now, I would revolt.
I guess it is our job, as caring, loving parents, to revolt for them.
Let?s stand up for our children?s right to actively experience childhood, and stop handing them devices that discourage running, jumping, imagining, reading, growing, learning, and moving? Let?s encourage face to face interaction and give our kids the attention that they need and crave and that we promised them the first time we held them. Let?s limit the amount of video monitors that we expose our children to, in favor of games, toys and crafts that appeal to their energized, smart, clever and funny nature. Let?s choose to put down what we are doing in favor of being with our kids. There will be plenty of time to do what we want when we blink and our kids are grown.
For More Information check out Etiquette With Deborah
Deborah A. Aboud is Owner/ Etiquette With Deborah and a Certified Children & Teen Etiquette Trainer
Source: http://www.londonderrynh.net/2012/10/family-time-should-not-include-video-games/56491
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Sunday, October 21, 2012
How much will HDTVs cost on Black Friday? A lot less, says expert
23 hrs.

Gary Merson , HD Guru
This year will go down as a very bad one for TV makers. Sony, Panasonic and Sharp posted huge financial losses, dragged down by lower worldwide demand due to the economic slowdowns in Europe and China.
The U.S. HDTV market has also been sluggish. Samsung, Sony and LG instituted Unilateral Pricing Programs?on mid- to high-end models, requiring their dealers to charge the same price. This undoubtedly negatively affected sales. To counter, set makers employed a number of periodic promotions including instant rebates and/or bundles with free Blu-ray players or sound systems.
We at HD Guru consulted our industry contacts, surveyed the best current deals and checked last year?s Black Friday deals to come up with our Black Friday predictions. This year, Black Friday falls on Nov. 23, and will be the biggest shopping day of the year. We?ve listed the HDTVs by size, features and brand.
Before you buy a new HDTV, check out our 2012 list to make sure you are not going to pay more than you should have.
While 32?inches remains the best-selling screen size, the 39- to 42-inch class is closing in on sales volume. While inventories of these two classes are not too bloated, the hottest deals will be in the 55-inch and larger screen sizes as the big screens are not moving as fast as set makers projected.
This segment now has no-name brands competing with the legacy brands, with a number of new entries in the 55- and 60-inch size classes. Vizio just added a 70-inch TV to compete with Sharp, the only other maker of this screen class.
As in recent years, the online e-retailers will be very aggressive with their Black Friday deals and will follow with Cyber Monday deals on Nov. 26. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Best Buy plans to match Amazon and other retailers this holiday season, (with a few yet to be specified exceptions). This could be a game changer and really heat up the competition. We will follow up, once Best Buy?s holiday policies are released.
For those of you considering a Vizio or a no-name TV, please read our disposable TV article here. Thinking about an extended warranty? Learn how to get the best deal and how to get up to a one year extended for free here.
On to our list:
- 32-in. No Name 720p LCD $139
- 32-in.?No Name 1080p LCD $149
- 32-in.?Brand Name 720p LCD $169
- 42- to?43-in.?Name Brand 720p Plasma $299
- 42- to?43-in.?Name Brand 3-D 720p Plasma $399
- 40- to?42-in.?LCD Name brand LCD $189
- 46- to 47-in.?No Name LCD 1080p $269
- 46- to?47-in.?No Name LED LCD 1080p $349
- 50-in.?Name Brand 720p Plasma $399
- 50-in.?Name Brand 1080p Plasma $479
- 50-in.?Name Brand LED LCD 1080p $479
- 55-in.?No Name 120Hz 1080p LCD $399
- 55-in.?Name Brand 3-D 120Hz 1080p LED LCD $799
- 60-in.?Name Brand LED LCD 1080p $699
- 60-in.?Name Brand Plasma 1080p $599
- 60-in.?3-D Plasma 1080p $1,099
- 70-in.?LED Name Brand $1,599
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