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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Deadly Little Experiment?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
I call Experiment 2, working on him now so, wish me luck <3

ZombieGil - Member for 0 years
experiment 4, please? XD XD

blackwolf - Member for 1 years
Yes.Because that there is literally my only job at the moment. 8D Oh I feel so useful ahaha -emocorner-

Renmiri - Member for 2 years
I'd like to reserve the first experiment, if I may.

The Painkiller - Member for 1 years
I'd like to Reserve Instructor Soulmate Numero 2.

SlightlyInsane - Member for 1 years
I guess I'll reserve experiment 5.

Tsukiakari - Member for 0 years
Enough said.
AKA... Instructor 3 please... >_>
Please Mirror? O_O

RainWish - Member for 1 years
Renmiri, you are an angel sent from heaven above, my dear.
...but I don't remember you ever bringing me my coffee. Tsk tsk.

MirrorMirror1498 - Member for 1 years
I.. I.. Oh god where did my pride go I don't even--

Renmiri - Member for 2 years
Okay, I submitted my dear little Ghost again. <3

RainWish - Member for 1 years
sorry, just thought I'd kill your pride a little more >D
I'd like to reserve a female experiment part, if the spot comes up.

KayKay5 - Member for 0 years
Experiment 6 please, if not already reserved. I didn't see it, so I call it ^.^

Hougmaku - Member for 0 years
If the male teleporting escaped experiment is open I would like to stake a claim :)

United We Stand - Member for 1 years
Done and Done. 8D Welcome aboard!
Ouch Kay. Ouch. Sort of

Renmiri - Member for 2 years
those spots went fast... we have like one spot left, I think!!!

ZombieGil - Member for 0 years
I'll be making a character in the morning but I'm assuming my character won't be a major factor until later. Even so I would like to know what kinda plot I'm supposed to be working around (Other than a maniacal freak who likes to pretend he's people's father lol)

United We Stand - Member for 1 years
I'd love to give you a better idea, but I'm ashamed to say that I don't really know much. Kind of just.. leapt on the offer to co-GM, haha.
I'm guessing it's something like 'turn the new experiments into rebels, snipe the mad scientist and save your soulmate (instructors)'? Without getting sniped yourself, of course.
But you probably knew that already. Ahaha headbang Yeah D:

Renmiri - Member for 2 years
What was done in the last RP version was that the Instructors and the Soulmates were originally "Experiments" and partnered together like the new experiments are now. The Soulmates figured out Father was bad and turned against him, hence Breaking. Father wanted them dead but we all know how that turned out. The Instructors however stayed loyal to Father, turning their backs against their soulmates and graduating from "Experiments" to "Instructors" so they could lead the next generation of experiments toward Father. Basically, the Soulmates still have free will where as the Instructors have lost most of theirs. The Experiments are in trial to see if they will either go with or against Father.
At least, that's what we did last time. . . The Soulmates were added in after because the Instructors felt lonely XD

RainWish - Member for 1 years
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